
April 14 2010

Our 9th Anniversary. Went to Tagaris Winery for dinner, always strange going places without the kids.

Our visit with Nastya in Russia was very nice. Our friend Svetlana brought her back with her on the train from Smyrnif up north. I was glad she did, was very nice getting to spend the time with just the 3 of us, Dima, Nastya and myself. We hope to have her be a more regular part of our lives. We shall see how things progress. Currently adoption from Russia is becoming more of a nightmare by the day. At the very least we will have her come stay the summers with us as soon as she is old enough to get her international passport.

Sister on right from Yuhzno, Russia congregation was fluent in Russia Sign Language.
 Kids birth father Victor, Nastya, Dasha,Dima


January 25 2010

JANUARY 25 2010

Recently back from our first real vacation in a very long time. The kids had no trouble adapting to 85 degree sunny weather every day. Biggest highlight for them was the parasailing. Dausha talked about it days before, and days after. They also enjoyed swimming every day, and even got to try scuba diving for the first time.

We have a new family member, Toby the beagle. He seems to be a good match for the kid's and Sam's level of energy.

We have purchased our tickets for Dima and myself to fly to Sakhalin. We will be going to meet the kids older sister Nastia(11). We still have not seen any pictures, but have been told she looks exactly like Dausha. We will leave March 24 and return April 5. Most of the trip will be spent traveling, between planes, trains and taxi.


November 11 2009

It has been nearly 2 years ago I started this blog. At times I wonder if there is still an interest. If you still follow updates to our blog please leave a post indicating that. Feel free to make any suggestions or requests while your at it.


November 07 2009

Over the last several weeks I have been making a focused effort to find the kid's 11 year old sister Anastasia. When the kids father died in 2004, a much older half sister was only able to adopt Anastasia. Dausha was to young to remember, but Dima has not seen her since then. With what little info I had; names and name of village in Sakhalin. I have been searching forums and setting up groups to find them. Recently I found a Russian forum for the village of Smyrnykh were they last lived. I posted that we were family looking for them that had lost contact. Within a few days a kind Russian man replied with a phone number and address of their neighbor.
With that number Svetlana called and contacted them. Later that night we called and Dima was able to talk to his sister for the first time in 5 years. Anastasia was also excited to talk to her sister Dashua for the first time ever. Obviously they didn't understand each other at all, but it was still precious. I was relieved to find that her older sister Angelica was eager to allow the kids to contact each other again. You never know what expect with all the unknowns.
Svetlana was also able to find out a lot of other information from Angelica about the kids. Will be interested to get more of the details when she sends them in her next e-mail.
Two weeks again Dima also gave his first public talk in the Sign Language congregation. For those not familiar with sign, facial expression is comparable to pausing and voice fluctuation in speech. Clear and large signs are as important as proper volume and articulation. Yes, he is my son and of course Ill brag, but honestly I was very impressed with how well he did. Ive included the video if your interested, his reading was on 1 Corinthians chapter 14.



Pics of first day of school, Dasha's first lost tooth, day at the park with Grandpa. I also included the first pictures we saw of the kids. I came across them recently and realized most people haven't seen them yet. We finally had the adoption finalized Septemeber 3. This envolved readopting the kids again here in the US.


July 24 2009

Yesterday was Dasha's turn for tonsil surgery. She has been looking forward to getting it done, and has been making sure that everyone knows about it. She wants to always be like her brother. She has been suprisingly active and even vocal since her surgery. You would think the pain would make her not want to talk. She has been really enjoying the extra attention from us. I think she is even playing things up a little bit. Our California trip was alot of fun for us all. We went to San Clemente beach where I spent alot of time as a toddler. I was suprised how much I remembered of the place. We moved away when I was 3 years old. We even checked out the old house we lived in. Could see the metal spiral stair case from the window where I recieved the scar on my noggin. I had earlier arranged for an interpretuer while at Disneyland for the Fantasmic night show. While theres not alot of talking we got great reserved seating. The kids really enjoyed the show and any of the rides that were remotely scary. Sounds like we may have to go to Six flags next year.