
JANUARY 25 2010

Recently back from our first real vacation in a very long time. The kids had no trouble adapting to 85 degree sunny weather every day. Biggest highlight for them was the parasailing. Dausha talked about it days before, and days after. They also enjoyed swimming every day, and even got to try scuba diving for the first time.

We have a new family member, Toby the beagle. He seems to be a good match for the kid's and Sam's level of energy.

We have purchased our tickets for Dima and myself to fly to Sakhalin. We will be going to meet the kids older sister Nastia(11). We still have not seen any pictures, but have been told she looks exactly like Dausha. We will leave March 24 and return April 5. Most of the trip will be spent traveling, between planes, trains and taxi.

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